Trademark Registration
- Starting From Rs. 6999.
A trademark is a visual logo can be name, numbers, word, label, color combinations, etc. used by business to differentiate it services or products from other same goods or services which are made in various firms. Trademarks in India are catalogued by the Controller General of Patent Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. Trademarks are registered under the Trademark Act, 1999 and give the trademark owner the strength to sue for losses when violation of trademarks happen. Registered trademarks are intellactual asset for business, they are used to defend the company’s penetration in the symbal and brand. Trademarks are essential to get registrable if it is comical for the goods and services you give.
Introduced trademarks that are the same or similar to an current registered trademarks cannnot be registered. Moreover, trademarks are not registrable if it is general, sharpner, offensive, not rarebit, includes specifically protected emblems, etc.
Once a trademarks registration procedure is done, the R symbel can be applied and the registration will become valid for 10 years. Registered trademarks approaching expiry can regularly renew the registration procedure by filing a renewal application for a time of another 10 years.
Trademark Registration is done through Insidetax in Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru & all other indian cities. Proposing a quality of trademark services like trademark filing, trademark search, trademark renewal, and patent registration, etc.
Procedure for Trademark registration
Finish our trademark Form
Conduct your trademark search
Select Suitable Class
Trademark Application filed
Trademark registration completed
Detailed Procedure
Steps in Trademark Registration
Insidetax check trademark availibity or check brand name availability on the part of their customers to ensure that their desired name or design has not already been taken or is not too similar to an existing trademark. You can also check existing trademarks at Because being exclusive do matters. This check well make sure that are no issues & there are minimal chances of an objection being raised in the future.
Once we make sure that your chosen name or design is available & exclusive, we send you an authorisation letter which has to be duly signed by you and returned to us. These letters give our lawyers authority to file a trademark application on your behalf.
Once we receive the authorisation letter & provided that no information is incorrect or partial, our lawyers will file the trademark on the part of your , and you can immediately start using the ™ symbol. We will provide you with the TM application number.
We file the trademark different at the central trademark department office or via online. A trademark can be filed online only by a registered lawyer or agent.
Once a trademark application is complete, your application will be tested by the trademarks office. The government can also raise an exception on if your name similar to some other trademark in the same class, or the name is deemed obscene, hurts religious sentiments.
In case no objection is raised, the trademark registrar will publish an advertisement in the trademarks journal. If no opposition is filed by any party within a period of 4 months, the trademark should be registered within the next 6 months. During this period, we constantly provide you with updates regarding the status of your application. You will need to pay the additional fee in case of such exceptions.
If the exception has been filed on your trademark and the opposition doesn’t agree with your response, then hearing is held before the registrar. We appoint lawyers (charges extra) to take up your case in front of the registrar.
Trademark Renewal
Just applying for trademark registration won’t work for the age long. The trademark remains valid just for 10 years after that one needs to file for Trademark Renewal.
Trademark renewal should be filed before the last date of the trademark. The renewal application form shoud be made and filed before the deadline to have the seamless protection of the trademark without any chances of litigation.
Protection from Measly Litigation: It is likely to have seamless trademark conservency without any risks of litigation. Renewal of trademarks makes difficult for someone to maintain rights over it other than the trademark owner.
Increase of Ownership Rights: One can get security from violation of rights over the brand name. The exclusive rights over the trademark are continued for 10 years after each renewal. So it provides permanent protection of your brand and goodwill generated by the brand.
Brand Name Security: Renewal of trademark guarantees constant and unhindered conservancy of the brand name. Failure of renewal points to a lapse of legal protection in Brand name.
Monetary Returns: A trademark owner has the particular rights to allot or license the trademark to someone else in return for some monetary benefit. Thus, one can earn a profit from a registered trademark as well.
Advantages Of Trademark Registration
Documents Required For Trademark Registration
Proof of Applicant
Brand Name & Logo
Certificate of registration (other than an Individual applicant)
MSME / Start-up Recognition
PAN Card and Address Proof of Applicant
Proof of TM Use
User Affidavit
Signed Form TM – 48
Renewal Process and Forms
The application of renewal is done in form TM-12
The application can be executed by either the registered owner of the trademark or an agent approved by him.
You must take the help of a professional to register for the renewal of a trademark application to guarantee that the mark is well protected. This is because you may need to increase the scope of the conservancy. After all, if your brand has lasted 10 years, it’s likely that it will have outgrown the classes you had 1st registered it under.
Filing a trademark renewal application increases conservancy by another 10 years. The trademark registrations are applicable for another 10 years and renewed again before expiry.
Trademark Objected
If a Trademarks is registered and the status is demonstate as “Objected” this shows that the authority has received 1 or more exceptions on the trademark, this can be beacause of duplication of already registerd trademark or else the trademark will be offensive even there are several other resons for trademark objection. The exceptions is raised under section 9 and 11. In section 9 the exceptions are made if the authority determines the trademark to be narrative of goods. To conquer such exceptions you require to hive proper evidence and prove distinctiveof your Trademark.
In Section 11 the exceptions are made by the authority when they see the same trademark which means such a trademark already exists for similar goods, servicess or products. When the exceptions is done, the pretendent needs to make sure that he/she gives appropriate documents within the provided time, this shall help you to overcome the exceptions.
What Is Included In Our Package?
Government Fees
Application Filing
Name search & approval
Application Preparation
Same day Filing