Trademark Objection

  • Get Objection drafted and filed in 2 days
  • Starting At Rs. 1,999 Onwards
  • At Minimum!!!
  • (Takes <4 days)

A trademark is any unique statement related to a product or service that distinguishes it from others. This expression could be a word, slogan, photograph, logo, graphic, colour combination, sound or even smell.
But due to some valid reasons, trademark offices can have expensions on any trademark application which does not meet their legal norms. There can be various reasons for trademark objection. It can be due to the equality between logo or word with any already one. It may be due to the sentiments attached with any religion. These are few reasons which can lead to trademark exception. If you receive any exception like this from another party, then you need to respond back within a month, that is within 30 days. You will receive a proper legal exception letter from Trademark department. But if you still don’t take any steps, then the Registrar has the full rights to unhand the application.

Why Should You Respond Back To A Trademark Objection

It will provide your brand a special protection
It provides your brand a unique identity as trademark represents your company which helps you to stand out among others.
Always be ready before you receive any trademark extection from the department. You must have appropriate proofs which will prove that your trademark does not have anything to do with the existing word or logo of another person.

Procedure For Trademark Objection


Finish a Simple Form

You have to fill your details in our easy questionnaire on Email and submit documents.

Application Submission

We will create all the expected applications and file them with Registrar.

Your work is completed.

Once , the application is filed , acknowledgement slip of same will be sent.